Tour photo's

Tour photo's
Nathan skateboarding, Sarah dancing and crowd at Kingston, Ontario 2008 tour

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We finally arrived in Kansas City on Saturday night after 2 days of traveling and weeks of preparing. God has been so faithful in our preparation for this outreach. When Nathan quit his job, and we made the step into full time missions, we wrote out a list of all the needs we had and that we would have for the upcoming months on outreach. God has met every single one of our immediate needs and we know that He is going to be faithful to provide for the ones coming up in the near future! Thank you Jesus! And thank you to those who have been obedient to God in blessing us. We are so thankful!

After arriving in KC, we were able to spend the evening with Nathan's grandma who drove his sister (our nanny) and his brother down from Minnesota. On Sunday we got settled in our room (we are staying at the leader of GX's house for now) and then went to the International House of Prayer church service on Sunday night. Awesome worship and a great word! Boot camp (what we call the dance training time) began on Monday morning. We went to the International House of Prayer at 9am for an hour of prayer and worship and then headed to the studio and began dancing at 10. We dance until 4pm everyday. While Anna and I are at the studio, Nathan has been busy helping a friend with some painting jobs and working on stuff for GX and the outreach. It is definitely different having a baby on outreach and trying to dance 6-7 hours a day, but we are blessed to have Joy here to help and God's grace is sufficient! :) I have been helping teach dances and learning some new ones as well. There are about 10 or so dancers on the team from all over the world. Not all the skaters have arrived yet, but there is about 5 or so of them. For this outreach Nathan will be co-leading the entire team with another a guy. I am Program Director, which means I am in charge of all the dancers and making sure all the shows are set up and planned out and look good. We both have a lot of responsibility but we know God has called us to these positions and we are so excited for Him to use us however He wants!

We had our first night of teaching on Monday evening. One of our leaders, Bill (the founder of GX), spoke on righteousness, and combining faith with works. It was a great message and really challenged us to live righteous lives and to live out what we believe. The rest for me will be spent dancing. Nathan will be coming to the studio to help with Anna, skateboarding, working, and doing anything else that comes up. We will have teachings every night and prayer and worship in the mornings. We have a day off on Sunday and are planning to go to church and meet up with some friends that we have not seen in a long time. We have one more week of training and then the outreach begins!

God has really been speaking to both Nathan and I about His love and how vast it really is. He is showing us that He longs to reveal more of His love to us so that we can rest securely in Him and then have the confidence to share His love with all those we meet. A specific scripture that really has been speaking to my heart and I feel like I could meditate on for days and never even begin to grasp it is John 15:9... "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; Abide in My love." It seems so simple at first, but the more I think about it the more I am amazed, and realize that there is so much more about God's love that He is going to reveal to us piece by piece, because if it was all at once I don't think we could handle it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love you guys! So thankful for what the Lord is doing in your lives. We miss you here...
